Tag: all-purpose flour

  • Easy and simple recipe to make homemade orange bread in a blender

    Easy and simple recipe to make homemade orange bread in a blender

    With the grandma flavor, this is how this preparation of homemade orange bread will be spongy and tan to accompany with a cup of chocolate. The story goes that orange bread originated in 1490 when Ughetto Atellani de Futi, a young aristocrat, fell in love with the daughter of a Milanese pastry chef. To get […]

  • Easy Homemade Pan Fried Potato Wedges

    Easy Homemade Pan Fried Potato Wedges

    Didn’t have time to go to Sam’s, Walmart, or Costco to buy a bag of potato wedges? With this easy and quick recipe, you will have all the flavor to share with the family. Whether with hamburgers, wings, roasted chicken, or just with a sweet or spicy dip, we are sure that with this recipe […]